Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Dinner

In the kitchen getting ready to serve corn-beef and cabbage dinner.

Everyone enjoying a wonderful meal, lets hope this become a tradition.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Meeting 15th

We've had the winter off and now its time to start planning our 2012 riding season. The weather has been teasing us with a few warm days and I have seen a few bikers out there. I can't wait to see everyone back on their bikes all polished up and in the wind.

This year I would like to see the club expand and recruit more riders. I know there are a lot of bikers out there, we just have to get them excited about joining us. Next, I would like to have a road captain come up with new destinations and weekly rides posted. Lastly, we need to keep doing our annual runs and raise money for various programs.

See you March 15, 7:00 PM.
Rollin Thunder